Artistic direction
You have a creative project (video / logo / scenario / painting …) but you're stuck on its realisation and you don't know where to begin?
I'll help you in the reflection and direction of your project.
If your project requires it, I will also be able to put you in contact with the partners necessary for its successful completion, thanks to my large professional network.
By a first meeting, we define your project and its needs, clear the ideas, analyze your resources, clarify your priorities and, little by little, we release the common thread of your creativity.
For who :
Professionals and businesses
Private individuals and budding artists
For what :
Questioning one's visual communication at the heart of one's project
Need to find the common thread of your project
Need ideas to contextualise your project (story telling)
Lack in knowledge of the links within one's project and/or the industry one targets
What this brings:
By quote or by the hour.
Because you sometimes feel disconnected within your own self?
Because you feel a lack of some sort when everything else seems to be going fine?
Because the same issue persists and you can't seem to find an answer?
Because you've been analysing the issue without finding a solution?
Because your mind - hyperactive - works to the detriment of your body heart?
Creation is the natural movement of life.
Life is constantly moving and evolving.
To feel cut out of our creative ressources equals to feeling cut out of life and the joy of being oneself.
To be able to support grave suffering, we've developed - through evolution - defence mechanisms to survive. But, without even realising it, we've progressively cut ourselves from different movements of life within us.
This defence mechanism was vital for a period of your life but it's become lethal.
The buddhist faith tells us that the only "permanence" is "impermanence".
Movement and change are therefore the only two "certainties" in life.
A part of ourselves that is cut out lacks a link with our own ressources.
In the sense, we can repeat the same self-destructing pattern without truly understanding its origin, or we can entertain an internal sadness - like an energy draining well - without knowing why.
Our suffering therefore works like a "closed circuit".
To identify an obstacle's origin, to recover one's ressources and securely free your suffering - for yourself and your entourage - can restore lost energy in order to let it naturally circulate so that you finally feel alive again.
What you can learn:
Self presence
New energy / joy of living / dynamism
Clarity / understanding / awareness / enlightenment
New possibilities
Self acceptance
Restoration of energy
How do the sessions go?
Sometimes verbal, sometimes "active", the sessions offered by Roseline are nourished by the different tools she acquired during her various training courses. During the sessions she moves towards one therapeutic tool or another, depending on who you are and what is happening to you during the session.
Art therapy (Nicole Weil)
Family constellations
Essential oils
Colour language
Creative journaling
Skip sessions is a possibility


From your biggest scars will bloom the prettiest of flowers.
Unknown author
Having started personal development work very early on, I quickly noticed that the more I freed myself from certain suffering, the more my artistic work was strengthened and liberated "as if by magic".
Naturally, I therefore explored what the professionals were saying...
After two training courses (and 4 years of study), I had the impression that I was getting nowhere. I had not found what I was looking for, namely a strengthened and fluid connection to a “Higher Dimension” (“That Who Knows” within me) through artistic expression.
I had the intuition (having experienced it through my own creativity) that art therapy could help me connect more to "my deepest Self", to the innermost luminous part of myself.
Constantly doubting myself, finding a solid foundation of self-confidence was a necessity. I felt that art therapy could take me there, but the training I had done had left me wanting more.
So I looked further.

Nicole Weil
While writing my memoir, I discovered Nicole Weil's (now deceased) method of art therapy, which is based on Jung's research.
Her method has the specificity of combining several artistic tools during the same session to release deep memories. This technique allows you to feel a true “Light” descending within yourself; that of consciousness opening, of cleaning the unconscious and freeing the heart.
This method therefore invites you to connect to Greater Than Self and to integrate it.
Energetic therapies
I have also trained in numerous energy therapies (EFT, Logosynthesis, TAT, Family Constellations, etc.)
I discovered the transformative power of encountering the true emotion behind our discomfort. A symptom contains all the information necessary to overcome it, when we connect to it with love and authenticity.
Open your heart and let emerge what needs to be seen, heard, welcomed.